
The Latest Price of Glass Melting Molybdenum Electrode (GME)

The latest price of Ø68x700mm glass melting molybdenum electrode (GME) is 1,790.00 USD/PC on April 25, 2022.

glass melting molybdenum electrode latest price photo

The electrode made of molybdenum has good advantages of high melting point, high strength and hardness at high temperature, as well as good electrical and thermal conductivity and good corrosion resistance. The use of moly electrodes to replace the original heavy oil and gas energy can effectively reduce environmental pollution and improve the quality of glass. Molybdenum electrode rod is a kind of molybdenum electrode product, its surface is bright gray metallic luster with density more than 10.15g/cm3. They are mainly used for electric glass furnaces, electric light sources and electric vacuum parts.

glass melting molybdenum electrode photo

If you have any inquiry of molybdenum electrodes, please feel free to contact us:
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com/sales@xiamentungsten.com
Tel.: +86 592 5129696/+86 592 5129595
Fax: +86 592 5129797

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